

I love this bag. But the strap is not holding up. It bunches inside of the hinges and that makes the edges fray and looks bad after two weeks of use. I contacted Keen and asked if there was a better strap that could be interchanged, but so far they have not been helpful at all (I could replace the bag, but that won\'t help anything--this is a design issue). So I am in a quandry. I work full time at a company, and have a 7-month-old baby, so I need something that looks professional at work yet is big enough to hold a bottle or two. And won\'t slip off my shoulder when I\'m carrying the baby, as I often am (while I\'m holding my gym bag, while I\'m carrying her lunch...not a graceful sight no matter what purse you use, but this bag makes it better). It\'s hip, cute, and made from sustainable materials. I don\'t know what else will fit my needs so well. But it makes me even more disappointed that that strap looks so bad, so fast.

Leather bags for women:women-1221338

women-1221338 style


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